Many men are shelling out serious cash to get their locks trimmed.
Now, guys are paying so much attention to their hair, that world leaders keep barbers on staff for $10,000 a month and hedge funders summering in the Hamptons have stylists fly out via helicopter from Manhattan, according to the New York Times.
And the $800 price doesn't even include a color treatment.
"I maintain that men's prices should be the same as women's," Tim Rogers, a stylist at Sally Hershberger Salon, told the Times, adding that men can often be more demanding when they are required to travel and work around busy schedules.
"There is never a bad time for them," Rogers said. "And everything has a price."
But even if you're not having a stylist flown in, prices can still reach into the hundreds in Manhattan, according to stylists like April Barton, who charges around $300, and Martial Vivot, who asks $320.
For that kind of money, these hair cutters do more than just take a little off the top. They also dispense helpful advice to clients, like how to cover up their peeking gray roots and hide thinning hair.
Men pay these costs and trust their hair to these hairstylists because they're seen as the trusted experts. With a little research, however, you can guide a barber or hairstylist in the direction you'd like them to go, gaining power over your hair and how you'd like it to look while paying significantly less.