20th Century Fox
But first, a shot of Deadpool performing a variation on The People's Elbow.

20th Century Fox
Meet Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox
Played by Brianna Hildebrand, Ellie Phimister, aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead, is a pretty obscure character in X-Men comics who only appears briefly before dying in an attack on mutants. As such, she's pretty much a blank slate- although, given the uniform, she's definitely an X-Man and likely trying to hunt Deadpool down.
Fun fact: Co-creator Grant Morrison named her after this 1995 Monster Magnet song:
And Ajax, who will probably be on the hunt for Deadpool.

20th Century Fox
Here's a shot of Deadpool, just chillin'.

David Dolson/20th Century Fox

David Dolson/20th Century Fox
Look closely at his stereo and it's labeled Wade.

David Dolson/20th Century Fox
Here's a shot of him before his transformation, as Wade Wilson with love interest Vanessa.

20th Century Fox
And one final mutant, Gina Carano's Angel Dust.

20th Century Fox
A mutant with the ability to trigger adrenaline rushes on demand, we don't really know what role Angel Dust plays in the grand scheme of things, except that she doesn't seem to like Wade's best friend Weasel (played by T.J. Miller).
"Deadpool" is scheduled to premiere in theaters on February 12, 2016.