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Marvel shocked fans with the first teaser trailer for its epic Netflix superhero crossover show - 'The Defenders'

Marvel shocked fans with the first teaser trailer for its epic Netflix superhero crossover show - 'The Defenders'
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read



No one expected this!

During Marvel's Netflix panel at San Diego Comic-Con fans were surprised with the first teaser trailer for its big superhero crossover event - "The Defenders."

"The Avengers"-like group will bring together Netflix's superheroes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. The latter will be getting his own Netflix series in the future starring Finn Jones ("Game of Thrones").

The teaser doesn't show much, but it unites together letters from the various logos of the other superhero shows to spell out "defend". Here's the one sentence description for the event series released by Netflix: "Marvel's The Defenders will unite Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, as they face their biggest threat yet."

Check out the teaser below:

