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Jony Ive Was Wearing A $365,000 Watch That He Custom Designed For Charity When He Did His Big Interview

Jony Ive Was Wearing A $365,000 Watch That He Custom Designed For Charity When He Did His Big Interview
Tech1 min read

jony ive watch


The watch Ive wore.

There's one over-riding story for Apple right now: What comes next?

It released the iPad four years ago, and people are getting restless. They want a new product category, and they want it yesterday.

The number one product everyone is zeroed in on: An iWatch. Apple is reportedly developing a wearable fitness tracker for our wrists.

Jony Ive was asked about the iWatch in an interview with John Arlidge which was published by Time magazine.

"Obviously, there are rumors about us working on… and, obviously, I'm not going to talk about that. It's a game of chess, isn't it?" said Ive.

Arlidge then wrote, "Sounds like the Jaeger-LeCoultre sports watch he's wearing is not long for his wrist - even though he designed it himself for an AIDS-charity auction and it is only one of three in the world."

The watch Arlidge is referring to seems to be Ive's custom designed "Memovox, tribute to deep see, Europe" watch. It sold for $365,000 at an auction to benefit (RED). The original version of the watch was selling for $12,000 three years ago.

With Apple exploring new product lines, it's fun to see what Ive himself is inspired by, especially with watches. Selling an iWatch will be totally different than any other product, if Apple does it. A watch is real fashion statement. And it can vary greatly from person to person.

Whether it's an iWatch, or something else, Ive is inspired to make new products.

"We are at the beginning of a remarkable time, when a remarkable number of products will be developed," he said. "When you think about technology and what it has enabled us to do so far, and what it will enable us to do in future, we're not even close to any kind of limit. It's still so, so new."

