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JENNIFER ANISTON: 'I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up'

Aly Weisman   

JENNIFER ANISTON: 'I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up'
Latest2 min read

Jennifer Aniston

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

After months of media speculation over Jennifer Aniston's appearance, the 47-year-old actress has broken her silence over the persistent pregnancy rumors.

Aniston, who does not have any form of social media and is usually shy to speak with press, wrote a revealing essay for Huffington Post addressing the gossip.

"I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up," Aniston writes. "I'm fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of 'journalism,' the 'First Amendment' and 'celebrity news.'"

"The way I am portrayed by the media is simply a reflection of how we see and portray women in general, measured against some warped standard of beauty," she continued. "We use celebrity 'news' to perpetuate this dehumanizing view of females, focused solely on one's physical appearance, which tabloids turn into a sporting event of speculation. Is she pregnant? Is she eating too much? Has she let herself go? Is her marriage on the rocks because the camera detects some physical 'imperfection'?"

Aniston says that "The sheer amount of resources being spent right now by press trying to simply uncover whether or not I am pregnant (for the bajillionth time... but who's counting) points to the perpetuation of this notion that women are somehow incomplete, unsuccessful, or unhappy if they're not married with children."

She concludes:

Here's where I come out on this topic: we are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies. That decision is ours and ours alone. Let's make that decision for ourselves and for the young women in this world who look to us as examples. Let's make that decision consciously, outside of the tabloid noise. We don't need to be married or mothers to be complete. We get to determine our own "happily ever after" for ourselves...

Yes, I may become a mother some day, and since I'm laying it all out there, if I ever do, I will be the first to let you know.

Read Aniston's full essay on HuffPo here >

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