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In One Chart, Here's Why The Anti-War Movement Collapsed

In One Chart, Here's Why The Anti-War Movement Collapsed
Politics1 min read

bush war protest

Reuters/Jeff Christensen

There's been a lot of talk about the absence of a strong and visible anti-war movement, the way there was during the George W. Bush Presidency.

While there are protests against intervention in Syria, in general the movement seems to be a lot weaker under Obama.

If you guessed that this had something to do with the fact that Obama is a Democrat... you'd be correct!

In 2011, Professors Michael T. Heaney and Fabio Rojas published a study titled: The Partisan Dynamics of Contention: Demobilization Of The Antiwar Movement In The United States 2007-2009 which looked at nearly 6,000 surveys of anti-war demonstrators between January 2007 and December 2009.

This one chart basically tells the whole story. The percentage of Democrats attending anti-war protests collapsed at the end of 2008, and in early 2009.

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Michael T. Heaney and Fabio Rojas

As Democrats are the biggest block of any of these groups, this desertion of the Democratic party was the major blow.


