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In China, Couples Are Dressing Identically To Show Off Their Love

Megan Willett   

In China, Couples Are Dressing Identically To Show Off Their Love
Entertainment1 min read

China's smitten couples are showing their love for each other by dressing identically.

The Wall Street Journal's Laurie Burkitt and Jason Chow wrote about how more and more young newlyweds are wearing themed t-shirts or matching outfits on outings together.

"We want everyone to envy us," Wu Zhuan told The WSJ of his and his wife's matching blue shirts with yellow and black hearts.

The trend is known as qing lü zhuang, and is a way for couples to be romantic and show the world that their significant other "belongs" to them.

The popular outfits are even being marketed and sold as one entity. One of China's major shopping websites, Taobao, has over three million results from online stores that offer qing lü zhuang-related clothing - a 57% increase over the past year, according to The WSJ.

As for Wu Zhuan and his new wife, they're even planning to buy smittens, a type of mitten they both share that lets them hold hands without letting go.

Here's hoping they'll end up like this adorable Nebraska couple who wore matching outfits for 35 years.


