The CRS report warns against "mirror imaging" or "tacitly and perhaps unconsciously assuming that one's values and belief sets are shared by the other party—can lead to less accurate assessments of the other party's intentions" when analyzing Chinese military aspects.
Simply put, just because China is pushing a massive, modern military doesn't mean it'd wield it in the same way the US would.
The most striking difference between US and Chinese military doctrine would be the Chinese concept of "active defense."
According to the report:
PLA strategists place a high priority on seizing the initiative in a conflict. Some observers believe that the PLA would pair this predilection with its assessment that the cyber and space domains are the "high ground" of contemporary warfare and thus choose to strike its adversary's information networks.
According to one American scholar, China believes that a "preemptive first strike is preferable, as it sets the stage for the remainder of the conflict and puts the aggressor in a distinct position of advantage."
China's use of cyber warfare against the US is a prime example of this philosophy. They have already engaged the US with non-kinetic warfare through the theft of military secrets and hacking into the Office of Personnel Management.
The report concludes that the Chinese, in addition to traditional warfare, would confront an enemy with media and propaganda, legal actions, and psychological warfare.
Already we have seen China employ its media apparatus against the US in denouncing freedom to navigation exercises in the South China Sea, as well as legal actions against other nations in the Pacific that claim the islands China is currently developing.
Source: Congressional Research Service