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Here's your first look at the new moving lock screen on the iPhone 6S

Here's your first look at the new moving lock screen on the iPhone 6S
Tech2 min read

The iPhone 6S may come with the same moving wallpapers that debuted on the Apple Watch earlier this year, according to 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman, who claims to have spoken with two sources that have used iPhone 6S prototypes.

Here's a preview of how those wallpapers will look on the lockscreen for the iPhone 6S, according to Gurman:

On the watch, you have the option to choose between a jellyfish, a butterfly, or a flower. You can then customize these with different colors, and the motion effect makes it seem like they're floating.

Apple is reportedly adding new options for the phone, however, as Gurman reports that you'll be able to choose from colorful smoke, a fish, and a koi pond too.

Apple's design chief Jony Ive has said in the past that the company took a different approach to the Apple Watch's screen compared to the iPhone. In an interview with The New Yorker, Ive said the watch uses deeper blacks for its screen than that of the iPhone.

He doesn't think the entire display necessarily needs to light up all the time - rather, the display should just highlight the particular thing you're looking at.

"The whole of the display comes on," he said to The New Yorker in reference to the iPhone 6. "That, to me, feels very, very old."

But, since the watch uses deeper blacks for its screen, it looks as it there's very little, if any, frame surrounding it. Ive's comment about the iPhone 6's screen feeling "old" could be an indication that the company is working on something new.



Gurman did caution, however, that his sources said these animation features were part of a test and may not make it to the final product.

It wouldn't be surprising to see Apple bring these motion wallpapers to the phone. The company is already said to be bringing the Apple Watch's Force Touch screen and the 7000 Series aluminum it uses for the Sport model's frame to the next iPhone.

Apple also went to great lengths to create these motion watch faces - Apple spent hundreds of hours photographing flowers blooming over time to create the flower-themed wallpaper, according to Wired.

Apple is expected to unveil its new iPhone alongside a refreshed Apple TV at an event next month.

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