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Here’s what you should ask when an interviewer says “Any questions?”

Here’s what you should ask when an interviewer says “Any questions?”
If you thought interviews were all about answering technical and data related questions, your work experience and future goals, you are not curious enough.

Before preparing for an interview, we study about company’s website, the role and responsibilities for the post, brush through our skills and expertise, etc.
One more question that you should also prepare for is-“Any questions?”

This may sound familiar as most of us have been asked “Would like to ask anything?” That moment decides how curious and excited you are to join a company.

A plain “no” for an answer can be boring as may show you as a weak candidate. A strong candidate shows willingness and curiosity to join the new place.

A person who has interviewed roughly 500 people in the past eight years, across Google, Ooyala, and Quora, mostly for engineering positions, but also for positions in management, data science, and product, answered this question on Quora and his points do make sense.

So, next time your interviewer throws this at you, here are few questions you can ask

(Images: Thinkstock)


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