We dug up two videos that will maybe give you a glimpse of both his brilliance and his difficult sides (thanks to YouTube channel EverySteveJobsVideo).
In one video, he talks about Apple's fanatical hiring processes in the early days. At 1:56 you can see a shade of his difficult side when he says this:
"We went through that stage at Apple where we thought, 'Oh, we're going to be a big company, lets go out and hire professional management.' We went out and hired a bunch of professional management, it didn't work at all. Most of them were Bozos. They knew how to manage, but they didn't know how to DO anything."
The video also shows some of the early Apple employees talking about how hard they would made it on potential new hires (at about 1:00).
That attitude for hiring has certainly become a Silicon Valley standard. Tech companies that consistently rate as the best companies to work for today (Google, Facebook, Apple) are also notoriously hard to get hired at.
But overall, it shows how Jobs put his faith in people as he knew them, not in their past experiences and resumes.