At its high point,
One of the remaining 300 stores was about a mile from my house. My family is a bunch of movie-holics. Even though we have Netflix, Hulu, Comcast, a DVR and iTunes, I'm still going to miss going to my local Blockbuster store.
Looking at shelves of
Blockbuster had a good stockpile of classics, too: musicals. westerns, dramas. If you wanted to watch "Casablanca" you could usually find it at Blockbuster. Netflix? Not so much.
When my kids were little, it was a treat to go out on a Friday or Saturday night and pick out a movie. Now that my kids are older, we still liked to go to Blockbuster together, even though we rarely did it anymore (maybe a couple of times a year).
The store always smelled like popcorn, too.
Standing at a Redbox in the cold entrance of the grocery store, sometimes waiting in line to use it, just isn't the same.
Neither is sitting on the couch and finding a movie online.
I feel the same about book stores. I love my Kindle and rarely buy physical books anymore, but that's because I don't want to own them and store them. And that means giving up the best part of the book-buying experience, browsing in the book store. It's just a necessary sacrifice.
So things change. And mostly for the better.
I'm still going to miss it, but it looks like I could be the only on in America that will.
A hashtag on Twitter called #blockbustermemories has people mostly ranting about the company.