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Hawaii's breathtaking but illegal 'Stairway To Heaven' is in danger of closing - so now locals want to charge $100 to climb it

Hawaii's breathtaking but illegal 'Stairway To Heaven' is in danger of closing - so now locals want to charge $100 to climb it

Kevin McCarthy / Flickr

Kevin McCarthy / Flickr

One of the sweeping views from the top of the stairs, overlooking the Ko'olaue range of mountains.

Would you pay $100 just to take a hike? In an attempt to save a beloved landmark, Oahu residents are proposing to charge the tourists who come to climb the famed "Haiku stairs" in their state's capital.

The "Stairway To Heaven," as it has been nicknamed by locals, has nearly 4,000 steps that lead to the summit of Puu Keahi a Kahoe. It has been officially closed for nearly 30 years now, but the laws haven't stopped massive amounts of tourists and locals from making the trek.

It's definitely not easy - those who dare to pass have to avoid guards and make their way around guarded fences.

Earlier this year, the stairs were damaged during a storm, and now, a decision must be made about what to do with them. The Hawaiian government has proposed tearing them down, but they're facing heavy opposition. A counter plan proposes charging tourists $100 to hike the stairs, with a much more modest fee of between $5 and $20 for locals.

With views like these, it's clear why people are fighting to keep it.

