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HTML5 vs. Apps: Where The Debate Stands Now, And Why It Matters

HTML5 vs. Apps: Where The Debate Stands Now, And Why It Matters


BI Intelligence

An HTML5 app is housed on the Web and runs inside a mobile browser. Unlike apps built specifically for Apple devices or Google's Android operating system, it does not need to be built from scratch for each OS. The promise is that it can be "write once, run anywhere."

It's true: In many cases, HTML5 can work just as well as a native approach. But it is not the silver bullet it is often made out to be, for several reasons. HTML5 faces a fragmentation issue of its own, since there are gaps in the range of HTML5 app features supported by the different mobile browsers.

So where are we in the HTML5 vs. native apps debate?

A recent report from BI Intelligence analyzes this very question.

In the report, we do a head-to-head comparison of the two, explain the specific reasons why HTML5 has a long term edge over native apps for mobile development, analyze the barriers to HTML5 as a development tool and explain how HTML5 is starting to overcome them, look at the current state of the performance gap between HTML5 and native apps, and get the developer's perspective through interviews with HTML5 skeptics, early adopters, and HTML5 pioneers and advocates.

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Here's a few areas where native apps still reign supreme over HTML5:

In full, the report:

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