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HR From Courtyard By Marriot Pune, City Centre, Told Us How To Prepare For Your First Interview In The Hospitality Sector

HR From Courtyard By Marriot Pune, City Centre, Told Us How To Prepare For Your First Interview In The
Hospitality Sector
Careers3 min read
Getting into the hospitality sector can be tricky at times. We recently had a word with Marriot Ayesha Barse, HR Manager, Courtyard by Marriot Pune City Centre and she told us the ‘mantra’ on how to crack your first interview in the hospitality sector. This is what she said.

There is a popular saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is most true when a candidate appears for a job interview. In our heavily competitive market, the hospitality industry can appear to be perpetually hiring, and with a high turnover rate, that’s often the case. But just because an industry has plenty of opportunities, that does not allow you to relax your standards. Just like any other industry, competition is high, and you will need to present yourself in the best light possible.

It is very natural to feel tense about the interview, but do not appear nervous. Look confident, but also be mindful that you do not come across as over confident. Do not look stressed and the best way to ensure that is to be prepared for your interview. Here are a few ways how you can ensure you leave a great first impression.

First and foremost, review your resume time and again. Ensure that you are truthful about everything that you have stated in the resume. Expect to be questioned about anything you have mentioned. Carry at least two copies of your resume to the interview.

The hospitality industry is all about appearance, so remember to dress smartly, be well-groomed and most importantly, be confident. Wear a smile. Opt for subtle shades of clothing - avoid loud colors; women must wear minimal accessories and only essential make up. Men should dress sharply, shirts should be buttoned up, and the use of a strong after shave should be avoided.

Candidates must do their homework prior to the interview. Seek as much information as possible about the organization you are applying to so that you can speak knowledgably in the interview. Do some thorough reading on the history of the company and its brands, its direct and indirect competitors, the employee strength, market position, work culture, etc.

Know the name of your interviewer and greet him/her. Communication skills in the hospitality industry are absolutely critical, so be articulate and speak clearly. Shake hands confidently. Maintain a good posture; it may seem silly but there is no harm in practicing your sitting style before you appear for an interview. Ensure that you are at ease and comfortable at all times. Make eye contact and avoid distractions. And for heaven’s sake, keep that mobile phone on silent or simply switch it off. You can always update your Facebook status once you have cracked the interview and share the excitement.

Body language can be noticed right from the time you enter the company premises. Avoid folding your hands as it reflects that you are a closed person. Hands must never go into the pockets of your blazer. Be a good listener, if you do not understand a question repeat what the interviewer has asked you and reconfirm. In case you need more time to respond to a question, it is not wrong if you take a few minutes to think over it before you respond.

Some common interview questions can be expected. Be ready for out-of-the-box questions. Plan your answers for the expected interview questions ahead of time so that you can deliver them with confidence. Ensure you have enough relevant scenarios from your previous experiences to back up your answer and prove that you are a candidate deserving of the job. It is also very important to showcase that you have a long term vision for your career in the hospitality industry.

Some basic interview questions are as below:
· Tell us about yourself.
· What are your strengths and weaknesses?
· Why do you want to work with the organization?
· What are your short-term and long-term goals?
· What salary range are you seeking?
· Why should we hire you?

It is also important the candidate comes with a list of questions he wants answers to. This shows the interviewer that the candidate is expressing a real interest in the company and the role he is applying for. Moreover, the most effective interviews are those where there is two-way communication. It is crucial the candidate gains an understanding from the interviewer about work culture, remuneration structure, training programs, growth opportunities and employee perks.

The interviewer evaluates you based on your overall responses and whether they consider you as a good fit to the culture of the organization. If you have more questions you may ask the interviewer at the end of the interview. Thank the interviewer for considering you for the role and also thank him for his/her time.

Lastly, breathe. Do not stress. And get a good night’s sleep prior to the interview.


