Ticker: VRSN
Industry: Information technology
Market cap: $19 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 1.2%
Source: Goldman Sachs
Ticker: CELG
Industry: Healthcare
Market cap: $63 billion
Ticker: CDNS
Market cap: $13 billion
Ticker: ZTS
Market cap: $44 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 1.1%
Ticker: ADBE
Market cap: $132 billion
Ticker: EXPE
Industry: Consumer discretionary
Market cap: $20 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 1.0%
Ticker: SIRI
Market cap: $28 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 0.8%
Ticker: FLO
Industry: Consumer staples
Market cap: $4 billion
Ticker: AZO
Ticker: XYL
Industry: Industrials
Market cap: $14 billion
Ticker: IDXX
Market cap: $22 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 0.7%
Ticker: VMW
Market cap: $64 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 0.6%
Ticker: WAT
Market cap: $15 billion
Ticker: NATI
Market cap: $6 billion
5-year gross margin coeff. of variation: 0.5%