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Fugitive Ex-Cop Allegedly Called Victim's Dad To Taunt Him About His Daughter's Death

Abby Rogers   

Fugitive Ex-Cop Allegedly Called Victim's Dad To Taunt Him About His Daughter's Death
Law Order1 min read

An ex-cop accused of shooting three police officers, one of whom died, and killing the daughter of a former LAPD captain reportedly took his revenge one step further when he called to brag about it.

Christopher Dorner has been on the run since Thursday when he reportedly shot three officers, one of whom died.

He's also accused of killing Monica Quan because he was angry with her father Randall Quan for the role the former Los Angeles Police Department captain played in Dorner's 2009 firing from the department.

And now, citing court documents, ABC News is reporting a man identifying himself as Dorner called Randall Quan about 11 hours after Monica Quan died and told him he "should have done a better job of protecting his daughter."

In an online manifesto, Dorner also said of Monica Quan's death, "I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I'm terminating yours."

Randall Quan represented Dorner in his termination hearings, a process Quan once called "very, very ugly."

The search for Dorner has yet to produce any results. However there have been many false alarms, including one fake sighting that caused authorities to lock down a downtown Los Angeles jail.


