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Facebook Is Completely Stuffed With Ads

Facebook Is Completely Stuffed With Ads

When I go to these days, here is what happens.

I see one piece of content shared by a friend at the top of my News Feed.

Then I scroll down for more.

But instead of seeing more content, I am deluged with ads.

Here is what my screen looks like after scrolling past just one piece of content:

facebook ads take up the whole thing


As you can see, most of my screen is ads.

Two thoughts:

  • I get it. Facebook has to make money, and the way the company has to figured out how to do that is by selling all this real estate to marketers. As a consumer, I know that's what keeps my favorite family photo-album sharing service free. But with all the data Facebook has access to – my online browsing habits, my offline shopping history – can't it something more clever? My thought: Facebook should find a way to get more video into the News Feed, and sell pre-rolls.
  • Facebook is about to come out with phone operating system, pre-installed on an HTC phone. I am wary of it. I know the whole business agenda behind the phone is to get me to look at more ads on Facebook. And I obviously already see enough of them. So, I think I'll stick to phones sold by companies like Samsung or Apple that have a simpler business agenda: to sell me a phone that is so great to use, I'll want to buy another one from them next time.


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