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Ex-NBA Player Chokes His Teammate During Epic Meltdown In The Philippines

Ex-NBA Player Chokes His Teammate During Epic Meltdown In The Philippines
Sports1 min read

After bouncing around the NBA for a few years, Renaldo Balkman is now playing professionally for the Petron Blaze Boosters in the Philippines.

Last night he had an epic meltdown as his team was losing. From SPIN:

"The game was all but over in the dying seconds when a frustrated Balkman lost the plot after a non-call on an offensive play late in the match at the Smart Araneta Coliseum, confronting the referees and later shoving away Petron coaches and players who tried to pacify him."

He first berates a ref, and then goes after his teammates when they try to settle him down. Eventually (at the 55-second mark of this video) he chokes teammate Arwind Santos after a scuffle:


