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Everything you need to know about Discord, the new "Skype for gamers"

Everything you need to know about Discord, the new "Skype for gamers"
Tech1 min read

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Among gamers, the hip way to chat with friends is not via Skype, Slack or TeamSpeak, but Discord, a relatively new messaging app that's starting to surge in popularity.

Discord was specifically designed to serve the gaming community. The app, which offers text messaging and voice and video calling, allows gamers to communicate and strategize with friends mid-game. But it's lightweight and streamlined, so it won't fill up their computers' hard drives or bog down their processors.

The app has benefitted from the boom in online, team-based video games such as Fortnite Battle Royale, Overwatch, and League of Legends. But it now now hosts hundreds of thousands of online communities. While many are focused on gaming, you'll find ones dedicated to other interests as well.

Here's everything you need to know about Discord:

