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Dwight Howard Reportedly Wanted The Lakers To Get Rid Of Kobe Bryant After This Year

Dwight Howard Reportedly Wanted The Lakers To Get Rid Of Kobe Bryant After This Year
Sports1 min read

dwight howard lakers 2013

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

Some rumors are starting to leak out about why Dwight Howard ditched the Lakers and left $30 million on the table.

According to ESPN's Ramona Shelburne and Marc Stein, Dwight's camp "strongly suggested" that it'd be a long shot for him to stay in L.A. if the Lakers didn't let go of Kobe Bryant after the 2013-14 season.

Dwight's people even asked the Lakers if they thought about releasing Bryant immediately under the league's amnesty provision, ESPN reports.

Even though Kobe unfollowed Howard on Twitter, he has had nothing but nice things to say about Dwight since he bolted for Houston

At a press conference yesterday, Kobe said, "I've said that before. I'm happy for him. It's important for free agents to make decisions that they feel is best for them. That's really what it's about, being a free agent. You have to make decisions that you feel is best for you, best for your family and best for your brand, whatever it may be."

ESPN isn't suggesting that Dwight disliked Kobe, he just wanted the franchise to end the Kobe era once and for all and begin the Dwight era.

The Lakers — who clearly have a plan in place for the summer of 2014 — weren't prepared to do that.

