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Don’t want to exercise? This will change your mind!

Don’t want to exercise? This will change your mind!<b></b>
Thelife2 min read

We all are tired of spending long hours in front of our screens, working on those excel sheets. And most of us, who probably aren’t even on the other side of 40s, complain of back aches and shoulder pains. But we do nothing about it. And we know this for sure because all of us sail in the same boat-- imagining ourselves with perfect and fit bodies but lying on the couch like a potato!

So, what should one do? We know the answer, isn’t it? The only solution to this lifestyle hazard lies in exercise!

It is important to workout, not just because it will give us the perfect body but also because exercising helps us, live a balanced and a healthy lifestyle.

Popular fitness coach Namrata Purohit, in her new book The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Being Fit, gives us a few reasons how a little bit of exercise will do so much good to us. BI India lists them down here for you:

Lose the extra kilos

This should be our biggest motivation. Most of us gain a few pounds by the time because of our lifestyle. Hence, it becomes extremely important for us to work out for at least a few minutes daily.

The stress buster

Many people, who regularly work out, vouch for it as the best stress-buster. Purohit in the book says, “Exercising helps you relax and takes your mind off stressful things. It also makes you feel great about yourself. Due to the release of endorphins, exercising helps you feel positive.” And once you de-stress, your mood will uplift automatically.

Gives you a good night’s sleep

Working out, be it in any form, helps you get a good night’s sleep. The logic is simple- when you work out, you burn out calories, de-stress yourself, which in turn helps you relax and get a good sleep. However, Purohit warns against exercising too close to the bedtime as it could be ‘counter-productive and in turn energize you during the wee-hours.

Be more productive

Exercising energizes you and in turn helps you do more work. If you wake up sleepy and drowsy, then it affects your productivity the entire day, ultimately affecting your performance adversely. But when one exercises, he is energized and positive and hence can deliver more.

The health booster

This is no secret! Exercising makes you healthier. All the above reasons add to make one a healthier person when he starts working out. “It improves your sleep, keeps your weight in check and can among other things, help prevent arthritis, depression and strokes,” notes Purohit.

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