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Donald Trump's presidential announcement just destroyed my cell phone

Hunter Walker   

Donald Trump's presidential announcement just destroyed my cell phone

donald trump you're fired

Getty Images/David Becker

Real estate mogul Donald Trump kicked of his 2016 presidential campaign announcement on Tuesday by teasing his rivals for holding their events in inadequate facilities.

"It's great to be at Trump Tower. It's great to be in a wonderful city, New York. And it's an honor to have everybody here," Trump said. "And, I can tell, some of the candidates, they went in. They didn't know the air-conditioner didn't work. They sweated like dogs. They didn't know the room was too big, because they didn't have anybody there. How are they going to beat ISIS? I don't think it's gonna happen."

While Trump Tower may be nice, it's far from perfect! I had a big problem with his building. It wrecked my cell phone.

I got to the event a few hours early. There were no seats set up in the press area in front of Trump's podium, but I managed to snag a spot on a small ledge where a handful of reporters sat and crouched over their computers.

As the event progressed, I heard many reporters complaining about the lack of seats. I was cramped, but I thought I was lucky to have my place on the ledge. Oh, how wrong I was.

I was using my phone as a hotspot and, at one point, my internet dropped out. I looked for my phone and it was no longer next to me on the crowded ledge.

With the help of some friends I searched for it and realized it fell in a dirt planter behind the ledge. This was bad news because the planter included a large round hole filled with standing, dirty water. My phone fell right into this fetid pool.


Courtesy of Jacob Kornbluh

I pointed out the dirty water pool to a pair of workers in Trump Tower uniforms and said they might want to cover it up.

"That's definitely not supposed to be there," one said.

Trump regularly boasts of the high quality of his real estate properties and, at this very event, he suggested you can judge a presidential candidate based on the conditions of their event space. So, by his own standards, it seems Trump might not be ready to fight ISIS. My phone certainly won't live to fight another day.

The Trump campaign declined to comment on this story.

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