Before a job applicant sits down to take the test Koru has to do some work with the company. Its test is not a one-size-fits-all solution and is tailored to each company that uses it.
Hamilton says: "We recognise that each company is unique. What it takes to perform well at Deutsche Bank is different to what it takes to perform well at different investment banks we work with, even if they’re in the same industry and in the same job."
Aside from Deutsche Bank, Koru works with clients like Citibank, Reebok, Airbnb, McKinsey, and others.
Hamilton says: "We first do this thing called 'fingerprinting,' which is where we go into a company and take a read on their current employees to figure out what drives performance. For companies that’s useful because sometimes what they think drives performance is wrong and sometimes it’s additive."
Koru makes current employees take its test, looking at poor, medium, and high performers so that it can tell not just what it takes to get into a company but also what it takes to do well there.