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Customers Hate The K-Cup Restrictions On The New Keurig Coffee Machine

Customers Hate The K-Cup Restrictions On The New Keurig Coffee Machine
Thelife2 min read

keurig coffee maker

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The new Keurig machine only takes pods produced by the company. They come in two sizes, one for individual cups, and one for larger sizes.

The new Keurig lets you brew up to 30 ounces of coffee at a time, but it also uses a different kind of K-cups than the original - a discovery that is leaving some customers furious.

Customers who bought the Keurig 2.0 on Amazon complain they bought the machine only to realize they needed a new kind of coffee pod for it to work.

The machines are RFID-limited, meaning only items with a Keurig code work. This restricts consumers from buying coffee pods from other brands.

"I have ten different boxes of K-cups purchased about two months ago or so and none of them are usable in this machine," writes Amazon user Steveostevestevenson. "You can only use boxes that have a circle with a check on them that says good for all Keurigs on the outside of the box."

The older machines take coffee pods from many different brands, not just Keurig. They also have an option for using your own coffee beans, while the newer version does not.

Keurig 2.0


The item has received a lot of hype because it brews an entire pot of coffee.

The 2.0 uses two pod sizes - one for an individual cup of coffee and one for the full pot - and it's supposed to be one of the most popular items this holiday season because it brews an entire pot of coffee.

But so far, the machine has a 2.5 star average on Amazon, and more 1-star reviews than all other ratings combined.

The Keurig 2.0 sells for $162.75 on Amazon.

keurig 2.0 reviews


A breakdown of the Keurig 2.0's Amazon reviews.

Keurig's new machine is also angering rivals, who have filed lawsuits saying that limiting coffee pods to its own brand is anti-competitive.

But Keurig's alleged monopoly might not last long.

Keurig competitors TreeHouse Foods and Mother Parkers have already figured out how to produce coffee pods compatible with the new machine, TechDirt reports.

Meanwhile, customers who still want to use non-Keurig coffee cups have found a way to hack the system.

This YouTube video shows how to cut out a piece of a Keurig cup and use it to disable the sensor in the new machine.

We've reached out to Keurig for comment, and will update when we know more.


