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California State Senator Arrested For Drunk Driving Hours After Voting To Toughen Regulations On Uber

Maya Kosoff   

California State Senator Arrested For Drunk Driving Hours After Voting To Toughen Regulations On Uber
Tech2 min read

uber driver

Flickr/Jason Tester Guerrilla Futures

The view from the back of an Uber car.

Ben Hueso, a California State Senator who voted for more regulation on ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft, was arrested early Friday morning for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Earlier on Friday Hueso, a Democrat who represents the San Diego area, had voted in favor of legislation that would create a number of regulations and limit services like Uber and Lyft from operating in California.

Democratic Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian's Assembly Bill 612 was voted upon on Thursday night. Nazarian's bill would crack down on the drivers Uber and Lyft let behind the wheel. AB612 would require intense background checks for drivers, drug testing of drivers, and a ban on drivers who have committed crimes in the past. On Aug. 21, Hueso voted in favor of AB612, which passed 21 to 11. Uber has been campaigning against bills similar to Nazarian's, urging its users to tell their elected representatives to vote against it.

The Sacramento Bee reports police saw Hueso driving the wrong way down the street in the wee hours of the morning.

Hueso later released a statement apologizing for the incident:

I am truly and profoundly sorry for the unacceptably poor personal judgment which I demonstrated last night. As someone who cares deeply about the public safety, I sincerely apologize to my family, my constituents and my colleagues in the Senate for breaching the trust they've all placed in me. I accept complete personal responsibility for my actions and any punishments that ultimately come my way as a result of this incident. I will also engage in immediate, corrective actions to ensure this kind of personal conduct is never repeated.

Hueso took a field sobriety test and was later jailed with a blood-alcohol content of 0.08 or higher, though the California Highway Patrol wouldn't release the exact number. Hueso was released around noon on Friday. Hueso's brothers Alfredo Hueso and Jose Antonio Hueso own a San Diego-based taxi company.

Last month, the Washington Post analyzed data from cities like San Francisco and Philadelphia that seem to indicate that the number of DUI arrests decreased after ride-sharing services started operating there.

(Via Techdirt)


