scorecardPipsnacks founders Jeff and Jen Martin learned the importance of timing.

Pipsnacks founders Jeff and Jen Martin learned the importance of timing.

Sibling entrepreneurs Jeff and Jen Martin made a $200,000 deal with Corcoran in Season 6, in 2014, for 10% of their New York-based Pipsnacks. Since then, they've landed a deal with Whole Foods that got their line of gourmet popcorn into every Whole Foods location in the US, and they're expecting sales this year to be around $5 million, at a profit.

Jen said that Corcoran taught them the importance on staying focused on where they excel, and told them to "figure out how you can dig deeper in that" rather than expanding beyond their strengths. Jeff added that Corcoran has stressed that there's a right time for everything, and that they need to be disciplined about how they grow the company.

For example, the Martins said, they added three new flavors of Pipcorn this year because they felt they had sufficiently used their core offering to build brand awareness, and Whole Foods was ready to increase the product's presence in its stores. Jen and Jeff said they have plenty of ideas always ready to implement, but that releasing a product at the wrong time could be a disaster.

Jeff said Corcoran helped them realize that growth is "cyclical," and that when they finally feel comfortable with the scope of the business, it's time to readjust, that, "it's always coming back to square one where you can see what's happening everywhere and adjust, and then find out when you should grow again."
