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Babe Ruth's World Series Watch Sells For $717,000

Associated Press   

Babe Ruth's World Series Watch Sells For $717,000
Sports1 min read

NEW YORK (AP) - Babe Ruth's watch from the 1923 World Series has sold for $717,000 at auction in New York City.

Heritage Auctions says the watch was bought Saturday by a telephone bidder who is remaining anonymous.

The watch was part of a set given to Ruth and his Yankees teammates after they beat their rivals the New York Giants in the 1923 Series.

Another highlight of the auction was a 1911 game-used bat from "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. It sold for $956,000.

Jackson was banned from baseball after he and his Chicago White Sox teammates were accused of fixing the 1919 Series.

The Ruth watch is engraved with a picture of a pitcher, hitter and catcher and a ball in flight.

It is inscribed, "Presented by Baseball Commissioner to George H. Ruth."


