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All the Marvel Cinematic Universe details you need to remember before seeing 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Travis Clark   

All the Marvel Cinematic Universe details you need to remember before seeing 'Avengers: Infinity War'
Tech1 min read

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After 10 years and 18 movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the most financially successful franchise in film history.

But that also means there's been a lot to keep track of before one of the most ambitious crossover events ever, "Avengers: Infinity War," comes to theaters.

The movie is already projected to be a major success. Fandango announced this week that it is outpacing the last seven Marvel movies combined in pre-sale tickets.

But even if "Avengers: Infinity War" breaks box-office records, not all moviegoers who see it will have seen all of the other MCU movies, or remember important details. That doesn't mean it can't still be enjoyable, but since this is the movie that the entire MCU has been leading up to, it's important to know the basics.

If you need a crash course or a refresher on the MCU, we've compiled all of the important details and events you'll need to know before heading to the theater when "Infinity War" is released April 27.

Below is a recap of everything you'll need to know:


