scorecard8. Lord Commander Jeor Mormont

8. Lord Commander Jeor Mormont

Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, who took a liking to Jon Snow and served as a father figure to him. He even gave Jon his Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw, that has saved Jon and a bunch of other people from White Walkers. And will probably save everyone in Westeros in the last season.

Time of death: Season 3, episode 4, "And Now His Watch Has Ended"

Cause of death: Stabbed to death by a traitor to the Night's Watch at Craster's Keep.

Sadness ranking: 8. Lord Commander Mormont was one of the few people in Westeros who was a good person, and fought for what was right. It was even more heartbreaking when his son Jorah Mormont found out about his death through Tyrion Lannister two seasons later.
