scorecard41. Stannis Baratheon

41. Stannis Baratheon

Stannis the Mannis was Lord of Dragonstone, brother of Robert and Renly Baratheon, and believed the Iron Throne belonged to him. He was really, really stubborn.

Time of death: Season 5, episode 10, "Mother's Mercy"

Cause of death: After his failed attack on Ramsay Bolton's army at Winterfell, Brienne of Tarth executed him for murdering Renly.

Sadness ranking: 4. He'd been on the show for a while and since he was so good on the battlefield, he was probably one of the only people who could take down the Lannisters. And boy, did he want to. But he executed his daughter in order to get closer to the Iron Throne, and he murdered his brother, Renly. He is missed, though.
