Fiorina, who announced her campaign on Monday, owns CarlyFiorina.com. CarlyFiorina.org, however, clearly does not belong to the candidate.
"Carly Fiorina failed to register this domain. So I'm using it to tell you how many people she laid off at Hewlett-Packard. It was this many," the website declares.
The site then displays what appears to be 30,000 frowny faces.
"That's 30,000 people she laid off," it concludes. "People with families."
Fiorina has often been criticized over her rocky tenure at HP. However, she has defended her decisions there as necessary to preserve the longterm growth of the company. In an April MSNBC interview, Fiorina said her HP record is actually something she's quite proud of.
"We doubled the size of the company to almost $90 billion," Fiorina said, according to a transcript. "We quadrupled the growth rate from 2% to 9%, we tripled the rate of innovation to 11 patents a day, we quadrupled cash flow, we went from lagging to leading in every product category."
Other presidential hopefuls have also been criticized by websites featuring their names.
TedCruz.com goes against Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) presidential agenda by declaring support for President Barack Obama's immigration policies. And JebBushForPresident.com is owned by a pair of gay "tech bears" who want to use it "as a platform to educate our friends and family about political impact to LGBT families."