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A Bob Dylan Parody Is The Perfect Tribute To The Defunct Fung Wah Bus

Alex Davies   

A Bob Dylan Parody Is The Perfect Tribute To The Defunct Fung Wah Bus
Transportation1 min read

In memory of Fung Wah Bus Transportation, Inc., the cut-rate bus service shut down last month by the US Department of Transportation after a number of its vehicles failed safety inspections, the New Yorker has produced a music video tribute.

The song, a parody of Bob Dylan's "Farewell Angelina," was written and performed by Marc Philippe Eskenazi. Its lyrics capture the downsides of Fung Wah:

"You left me in the bathroom at a bus stop in the rain."

"You got stuck in a toll booth for cars, Fung Wah, why?"

But it also pays homage to the redeeming quality of the bus service: its remarkably cheap fares.

"Farewell Fung Wah, bus of the crowds."

And the best line of the song sums it all up:

"I'll think of you always with nostalgia and fear."


