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911 CALL: George Zimmerman Allegedly Pointed Gun At Pregnant Girlfriend When She Asked Him To Leave

Pamela Engel   

911 CALL: George Zimmerman Allegedly Pointed Gun At Pregnant Girlfriend When She Asked Him To Leave

In a frantic 911 call, George Zimmerman's girlfriend told a dispatcher that he pointed his shotgun at her when she gathered his things asked him to leave her house.

"He's in my house breaking all my s--- cause I asked him to leave," she said. "He has his freaking gun, breaking all of my stuff right now."

Zimmerman's girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, said he pushed her but that she didn't sustain any injuries. He allegedly broke a glass coffee table in the house she rents.

After he allegedly locked her out of the house, Zimmerman called 911 himself and said he has a girlfriend who "for lack of a better word, has gone crazy on me," according to the AP. He denied pulling a gun on Scheibe and said that she broke the coffee table.

Zimmerman told police that Scheibe is pregnant with his child and decided she wanted to raise the child on her own, the Associated Press reports.

Zimmerman was charged with aggravated assault and battery on Monday. Earlier this year, he was found not guilty of second-degree murder for Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.

The police report from the incident Monday indicates that Zimmerman is unemployed. He's been with Scheibe since August, she said in the 911 call.

The report also says he has a shotgun as well as an AR assault rifle. When Scheibe told Zimmerman that she was going to call police because he pulled out a shotgun, he allegedly asked her if she "really wanted to do that."

Here's an account of what Scheibe says happened, according to the police report:

Scheibe stated that she and Zimmerman had become involved in a verbal dispute, and that she had asked him to leave. Zimmerman began packing his items, which included a Shotgun and a AR Assault Rifle, which he placed in a single carry case. Scheibe stated that Zimmerman "cocked the shotgun" prior to placing it in the case. Scheibe then began to carry out other items belonging to Zimmerman, placing them in the living room, and also outside the residence. Zimmerman became upset, at which time he removed the Shotgun from the case.

Scheibe then advised Zimmerman that she was calling the Police because she was nervous about why he pulled out the Shotgun. Zimmerman then pointed the Shotgun at Scheibe for a minute, and asked her if she really wanted to do that. Scheibe stepped back, at which time Zimmerman smashed a glass coffee table, belonging to Scheibe, with the butt of the Shotgun. Zimmerman then told Scheibe to leave the residence. Scheibe began to walk to the front of the residence, at which time, Zimmerman smashed a pair of sunglasses belonging to Scheibe. Scheibe further advised that Zimmerman then pushed her from the side, out the front door, and locked the door.

The full report is embedded below:

George Zimmerman Arrest Report


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