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$90 Emu Eggs Are Apparently The Latest Culinary Craze In New York

Mar 27, 2014, 00:25 IST

John LooAn emu egg.

Here's a new way to order your eggs: emu style.


Instead of sunny side up or over easy, Chef David Santos of West Village restaurant Louro put a scrambled emu egg on his dinner and brunch menus a few weeks ago. The result? A hefty price of $90 and a lot of curious customers, according to Hailey Eber in the New York Post.

"It's something that people have never tried, something that people have never seen," Santos told Eber.

The high price tag is eliciting quite a few raised eyebrows. However, an emu egg (weighing in at roughly two pounds) is the equivalent of about a dozen chicken eggs -- making it a whole lot of egg. And according to Louro's menu, it's meant to be shared between 2 to 6 diners.

Additionally, Santos told the Post that he shells out $30 for each egg from D'Artagnan, "a major gourmet food purveyor that works with a New Jersey emu farmer."


Santos has some big plans in April for the unlikely ingredient. To honor the HBO show "Game of Thrones," he's going to host a BYOB supper-club series every Monday, serving courses in theme with different characters. With the emu egg, he'll create a dish in homage to Daenerys Targaryen, the queen of dragons.

We'll dine to that.

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