scorecard9 Things That Wouldn't Exist If Apple Hadn't Launched The iPhone Six Years Ago
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9 Things That Wouldn't Exist If Apple Hadn't Launched The iPhone Six Years Ago

9 Things That Wouldn't Exist If Apple Hadn't Launched The iPhone Six Years Ago
Tech1 min read

steve jobs unveils first iphone


Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone in 2007.

Few consumer gadgets have had as big of an impact on the tech industry and culture at large as the iPhone.

The Safari browser gave iPhone users the first taste of having access to the full Web on a mobile device.

Multitouch made the iPhone a truly touch-based experience, not a miniaturized extrapolation of the keyboard and mouse.

The App Store (which came a year after the first iPhone) created a huge market for developers to sell their wares.

These features - and the devices that followed in the iPhone's footsteps - are responsible for the later emergence of a number of apps, services, and trends in the tech industry.

