"How do you know if your relationship is codependent? Ask yourself these questions:
• Are you or your partner always worried that the other will break off the relationship?
• Do either of you need constant assurance that you are loved?
• Do you or your partner come up with little tests to get attention from the other?
• Do you or your partner act flirtatiously with people outside of the relationship to make the other jealous, or threaten to leave just so you can be begged to stay?
• Do either of you make excuses for the other's bad or disrespectful behavior, or avoid direct conversations about the state of the relationship?
• Do you or your partner define yourselves by the relationship? Do you have difficulty being alone?
• Is there a lot of tension or intensity in your relationship, and do either of you secretly enjoy the 'drama' of frequent break-ups and reunions?
"If you answered 'Yes' to even a few of these questions, you are probably in a codependent relationship."
— Holly Daniels, a doctor who specialises anxiety, codependency, and relationship addiction at Sober College