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8 Surprising Facts About The $17 Billion Valentine's Day Industry

Ashley Lutz   

8 Surprising Facts About The $17 Billion Valentine's Day Industry
Retail1 min read

Americans will spend $17.3 billion on Valentine's Day gifts this year, according to the National Retail Federation.

We compiled some surprising facts about gifting during the romantic holiday.

  • Men have higher expectations than women. Men expect their partner will spend $230 on a gift for them, while women only expect $196, according to a survey by Chase bank.

  • Consumers spend an average of $135.10 on Valentine's Day gifts. That's up 4% from last year, according to a study by IBISWorld.

  • Married couples don't try as hard. Dating or engaged couples spend $20 to $30 more than married couples, according to a study by Big Research.

  • A ton of people don't spend anything for Valentine's Day. About 18% of people in relationships surveyed by RetailMeNot were planning on spending $0 on their partner.

  • Most people are pleased with the gifts they receive. RetailMeNot reports that 63% of people thought their significant other was a "great gift-giver."

  • Impractical gifts still rule. About half of Valentine's Day customers will buy candy, 37% will give their partner flowers, and 19% will purchase jewelry, according to the National Retail Federation. Practical gifts like clothes or electronics were less popular.

  • Men spend twice as much as women. Men spend $108.38 on gifts, whereas women shell out $49.41, according to the National Retail Federation.

  • Popular gifts like jewelry and lingerie are actually cheaper in February. According to DealNews, major retailers discount these items in order to get customers in stores.


