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8 photos show just how tense things were between Trump and other world leaders at the G7 summit

Shana Lebowitz   

8 photos show just how tense things were between Trump and other world leaders at the G7 summit
Politics1 min read

g7 leaders trump merkel summit

German Federal Government/Jesco Denzel via Associated Press

This instantly iconic photo summed up the results of the G7 summit.

  • The G7 summit took place over two days in Charlevoix, Quebec.
  • The summit ended in disarray: US President Donald Trump said the US would not endorse the joint statement from the summit.
  • Photographers captured images of the tension between Trump and other world leaders, including one in which French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron gripped Trump's hand so tightly that he left an imprint.

Seven world leaders met Friday and Saturday in Charlevoix, Quebec for what is known as the G7 summit.

As Business Insider's Michelle Mark reported, the summit ended in disarray: Late Saturday, US President Donald Trump tweeted that the US would not endorse the joint statement from the summit. Trump accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of making "false statements," and said the US is looking into automobile tariffs.

Mere hours earlier, Trudeau had announced that all G7 countries had signed the joint communique.

Throughout the summit, photographers captured photos of the tension between Trump and other world leaders. Here are some of the most revealing:


