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8 Delicious, Healthy Dishes You Can Make For $10 Or Less

Jun 13, 2014, 19:40 IST

Clean Food Dirty City

When most of us hear "gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free," or "vegan," we can practically taste the dollar signs.


But according to Lily Kunin, the voice behind the New York City-based food blog "Clean Food Dirty City" and its accompanying 34,000-follower strong Instagram, clean eating doesn't have to mean a clean wallet.

Kunin recommends bananas, carrots, broccoli, legumes, sweet potatoes, and kale for maximum nutrients at a low price point, and says that not every ingredient needs to be organic - focusing on the dirty dozen should be enough. "And while superfoods are great, you don't need to buy them," she explains. "Whole foods are superfoods in and of themselves!"

Here, Kunin offers up seven of her original, four-serving recipes that a healthy eater could put together for $10 or less, from arugula salad with roasted beets (pictured above) to lemon-chia almond cookies.

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