House of Cards/Netflix
Power posing: the act of taking a posture of confidence, even when you don't feel so confident, to make yourself more dominant.
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy struck a chord in the business world at TEDGlobal 2012 when she gave a talk about the scientific evidence behind power posing. Her research showed that standing or sitting a certain way, even for two minutes, raises testosterone levels and lowers the stress hormone cortisol.
These immediate changes in your body chemistry can affect the way you do your job and interact with other people. They might even have an impact on your chances of success.
First, we'll walk through the science of power posing. Then, we'll break down which pose to use in eight common situations that affect your work success.
Some of the poses have names created by Cuddy; others we came up with. We asked some of Business Insider's tech reporters to test them out.