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7 signs you're not ready to move to a new city, even if you think you are

Hillary Hoffower   

millennial travel luggage


Moving to a new city requires a lot of thought and consideration.

  • Moving to a new city can be life-changing.
  • But before you decide to move, you need to make sure you're moving for the right reasons and that you gave your current city your all.
  • You may not be ready to move if you're just bored with your job or if you'd be leaving your support system.

Moving to a new city is a big deal.

It's common for people to move in search of new experiences, opportunities, and change. That whole cliché about finding yourself? Relocating can help with that discovery.

But the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Moving to a new city should be a well-thought out decision rather than a rash one, in which you truly consider the pros and cons of what you're giving up in exchange for what you'll be getting in your new life.

It can be tempting to pack up your bags when you see your peers posting about their "new chapters" in new cities on social media. But what's right for them may not be right for you, and that's OK.

Before you decide on a fresh start somewhere else, think about you why you want to move. If any of the reasons below apply to you, it may be a sign that it's not the right time to relocate.


