"A small family was on their way out when their six-year-old son threw up right in front me," a former crew member from Virginia told Business Insider. "This child clearly did not chew one piece of food from his Happy Meal and swallowed everything whole."
The crew member said the family "just kept walking," and didn't bother to apologize, clean up the mess, or check to see if the child was okay. The child proceeded to vomit again in the parking lot. At that point, the crew member said the child's grandfather became "visibly angry."
"He stormed back into the restaurant, accused me of poisoning the boy, and told me to, 'Clean up that s---, it's disgusting,' as if it were my puke," the ex-crew member told Business Insider. "He also failed to inform me that his grandson had also thrown up in the play area. I got a very angry complaint from someone about that."
Are you a current or former McDonald's crew member with a story to share? Email acain@businessinsider.com.