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5 Tips For 'Popping The Question' From New York's Top Wedding Proposal Planner

Madeline Stone   

5 Tips For 'Popping The Question' From New York's Top Wedding Proposal Planner

sarah pease the proposal plannerProposing to your loved one can be one of the most exciting moments in your life. But it can also be incredibly stressful, and your head may be spinning thinking of all the ways it could go wrong.

That's where Sarah Pease comes in.

As New York City's premiere proposal planner, Pease and her Brilliant Event Planning team craft personalized proposals that are the stuff of romance movies. They'll take care of every intricate detail, from the timing and the venue to the music that will be playing when you get down on one knee.

Pease was inspired to start her business when she heard a story of a woman who had been proposed to with a ring left at the bottom of a bucket of fried chicken.

"I heard that story and thought, 'There's got to be a better way to do this,'" she said to Business Insider.

Since then, she's helped clients pop the question in some pretty amazing ways. She helped one couple take over the ice rink at New York's Bryant Park, while another wandered a deserted San Francisco Flower Conservatory as romantic music played in the background.

For $500, Pease and her team will meet with you, gather information about your relationship, and come up with a big idea for how the proposal will go. For that plus the full execution of the idea, rates start at $2,000.

"We've got experience on our side. We've done this many, many times," she said. "We can anticipate and control for things that could happen, so if something does go wrong, there's a plan B."

Pease gave us some of her most important tips for the big day.

Plan for every possibility.

Make sure you're ready for any little detail that could go wrong. Things like traffic or work schedules can fluctuate, so it's good to know what to do if that happens.

"The most important thing is to plan very carefully," she said. "For example, most people have a backup plan for if she's running late, but what if she's running early?"

Keep friends and family on a need-to-know basis.

Often what really makes a proposal great is the surprise. But sometimes even the most well-meaning people can inadvertently spill the beans.

"They may say something like, 'I'm going to see you tomorrow, right?' or 'I wonder if something is going on tomorrow?'" Pease said. "If they don't need to know, don't tell them. Seriously."

Limit your speech to three main points.

This is a moment the two of you are going to remember forever, so it's natural to be nervous. Pease recommends sticking to a script of three things you want to say.

"Anything more and you're going to forget and bumble your words. Keep it simple," Pease said.

nyc proposalStick to what makes your relationship unique.

Some proposal elements - candles, flowers, even fireworks - have been used over and over again. Rather than focus on what you think might be considered romantic, make it personal.

Whether she's crazy about red roses, cupcakes, or shoes, whatever you end up doing should have a direct relation to the connection you share.

"What is she head over heels about? What makes the two of you click?" Pease said. "Go back to the roots, the foundation of your relationship because that's what makes you unique, and that's never going to be corny."

Consider asking for outside help.

Many of Pease's clients at Brilliant Event Planning are wealthy enough to afford her services, but she realizes that there are a lot of men out there who are shopping for engagement rings at Kay Jewelers, not Harry Winston. That's why she started her new venture,, which offers customizable proposal packages at a more affordable price point.

"The packages are completely custom-designed for them," Pease said. "If you have a proposal planner in any capacity, you're not going to feel stressed."

An especially popular package will let you rent out a screen in Times Square to display your proposal message. There are also private wine tastings, yacht cruises, and many other options.


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