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5 Bands You Should Be Listening To This Weekend

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5 Bands You Should Be Listening To This Weekend

david lynch

Dean Hurley

David Lynch

With so many great tracks and albums coming out every week, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with all the news.

Lucky for you, we at FILTER love looking through everything to find some great new music amongst everything.

This week some old and new favorites brought us some new music we were excited to listen to, so we’re here to share them with you!

David Lynch

The all around gifted artist has graced us with his second album as a solo artist, "The Big Dream." Ever since the release of that teaser trailer last month, we awaited to hear this album for ourselves. The day has finally come and like anything that David Lynch touches, it is worth experiencing for yourself. As expected, Lynch knows how to use music to evoke a certain mood and put the listener into a specific mindset. While not the masterpiece of his career, it is still a Lynch piece of work that should be listened to while it’s still fresh in mind.

Jacco Gardner

jacco gardner

Nick Helderman

This Dutch multi-instrumentalist knows how to experiment with sound to create a line that blends between psychedelic and baroque. His gentle vocals soothe the ears and mind into a dream-like state and then lift the spirits with a whirlwind of instruments. He has a very 60’s pop sort of vibe that seems to be perfect for those lazy summer days and relaxing summer nights.

Fort Jams

fort jams

Fort Jams

Joel Bond is the man behind the name and he does well behind it. The multi-instrumentalist can create some eerily, haunting tracks that are somehow also on the catchy side. His song “Jacket Inside” has the air of a soothing lullaby that just sets the tone for a perfect dream night. It twinkles in just the right notes and his voice just melts into the song to create a harmony that’s soothing and easy to listen to over and over again.

Terraplane Suns

terraplane sun

Trauma 2 Records

Since the release of their album "Coyote" back in 2011, we have been big fans of this So-Cal based group. We recently premiered their EP, "Ya Never Know," and it reminded me of all the reasons why we love them. With their eclectic sound that combines the sounds of the piano, mandolin, harmonica and more, it is difficult not to develop an interest in their unique music. Just listen to the track “Ya Never Know” to see what we mean!

Mayer Hawthorne

mayer hawthorne

Eleanor Stills

After some anticipation, this suave R&B/Hip-Hop artists has finally dropped his latest album, "Where Does This Door Go," this week. It seems that over the course of two albums, he has found a sound that’s getting him noticed. With the help of friends like Kendrick Lamar and Pharrell Williams, this smooth soul singer is really making an inevitable buzz around the music circuit. If this new record is any indication of MH’s possibilities, it seems that this Michigan native will be going far with his talents.


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