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31 Vintage Photos Of Florida's Booming Retirement Communities In The 1970s

Sep 10, 2013, 01:15 IST

Flip Schulke / EPA (via archives.gov)In the 1970s, thousands of retirees from the Northeast started migrating to Florida for warmer weather and stress-free living.


Developers quickly realized the opportunity and started building retirement communities like Century Village in West Palm Beach.

The "Gray Wave" of the 1970s resulted in a construction boom in the state, created a new industry of catering to the retired population, and made Florida a key political state.

Photographer Flip Schulke was commissioned by EPA to document the rise of retirement communities in Florida in the mid-1970s as part of the Documerica project. He captured the active lives of retirees in West Palm Beach, Miami and Key West.

From riding bikes to hanging at the pool to playing shuffleboard, retirement in Florida was the epitome of the American dream.


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