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30 architectural masterpieces everyone should see in their lifetime

Aug 12, 2016, 19:15 IST

APRIL 10: A general view of 'La Sagrada Familia' on April 10, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona's city hall has put a regulation in motion that bans large tourist groups visiting Barcelona's most popular market. Barcelona's authorities are debating how to control the number of tourist in the city as an estimated 10 million people are due to visit this year.David Ramos/Getty Images

Buildings may be some of the most impressive works of art we have.


After sinking untold sums of money into their construction, we can walk through the finished products and even live inside them.

Business Insider has selected 30 buildings that push the boundaries of structural expression. We think you'll love them.

Drake Baer contributed to an earlier version of this article.

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