3 Things You Can Literally Learn In Your Sleep
Oct 22, 2014, 00:57 IST
If someone suggested you play music or light a scented candle while you slept to better remember what you learned earlier in the day, you'd probably laugh.
But while you might not be able exchange a night of studying for playing some jazz while you snooze, there are some surprising skills you can strengthen overnight - some simply by playing a specific tune or by infusing your bedroom with a distinct smell.
Scientists are still a bit fuzzy on the specifics, but they've found some powerful examples of the practice working in the real world.
They know, for instance, that people can better remember the location of an object if overnight they listen to the tune they heard when they put it there. Similarly, someone learning a foreign language can boost her skills by playing the sounds of newly-learned foreign words while she sleeps.
While the next step may be applying these techniques to try to sharpen memory and learning more broadly, here are a few examples of the specific skills scientists have found can be honed while you are fast asleep.