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3 predictions for smart technology's future

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3 predictions for smart technology's future

Cognizant 4


A billion interconnected devices and products are changing business as we know it. But the question is which companies are capitalizing on - and which are vulnerable to - this trend.

Cognizant 's Center for the Future of Work, in partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit, interviewed US and European executives involved in product design and innovation. The findings show that smart products - and the digital data that comes from them - are having a major impact on B2B and B2C product development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and the customer experience. And they could affect other consumer products in the future.

Even so, respondents are uncertain about the long-term impact of smart product strategies as they disrupt marketplaces and existing business models. Nearly half believe smart product development will generate more competition and higher margins, while more than one-third feel just the opposite.

One thing is for sure: The new smart product economy has started. And there will be an "arms race" as various players compete to win control of the customer.

The future state

While the economics of smart product strategy are unclear in the short term, there will be a period of great change over the next 10 years - and companies should use this time to lay the groundwork for a potentially huge opportunity. The market will evolve in three phases:

1. Product alchemy

Smart products will get gradually smarter, and digital interfaces that control and track customer interactions will emerge. Product development will improve as more data is analyzed, and production, marketing, and customer service functions gain new insights into customer usage.

To navigate this phase, companies should invest in a "digital lab" to explore the most important business implications of making smart products. Infusing co-creation into product development through crowdsourcing techniques and open collaboration platforms will also be important.

2. Mastering data

During this period of hyper-competition, the focus will shift to the product experience. This will require more data sharing and collaboration, as companies rely on advancements in integrated software and technology to succeed.

To be successful, companies need to conceptualize the "product cloud" and integrate it with complementary products and platforms through open architectures and shared APIs. They'll also need to ensure a flexible architecture for scalability and added security as more third parties get involved.

3. Greater cooperation

New corporate structures will emerge to reduce the risks of working collaboratively. To handle this, companies should combine data with third parties to jumpstart smart product development. They can also find new partnership models and organizational structures that share the risks and rewards of pursuing a smart product strategy.

Find out more about the future of smart products.

Adapted from a Cognizant whitepaper, "The Rise of the Smart Product Economy," by Euan Davis.

This post is sponsored by Cognizant.

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