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25 more words and phrases you're using at work that make you sound dumb

25 more words and phrases you're using at work that make you sound dumb
Careers1 min read

In May. we published a list of 12 words and phrases you're using at work that make you sound dumb. It included words like "literally," "totally," and "legit."

At the time, Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," said that how you communicate with others at work plays a big role in how you're perceived, your ability to move projects forward and generate trust, and how quickly you advance in your career.

She said your verbal communications can also make or break your relationship with your boss, team, clients, business partners, and your industry network - and explained that if you use language that dumbs you down, you may be misunderstood by those around you at work, which can significantly hurt your chances of advancing and succeeding.

Shortly after publishing the list, Taylor shared 15 more words and phrases that make you sound dumb. Keep scrolling to see if they're ones you're using on a regular basis.


